Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to new WORLD!

Hello,to everyone!!
I am new edition to a BLOG world, i heard so much about it and today i decided it was time to share my story. I am so passioned about design,fashion that one day i want to be working in the industry.But for now on,i am just a girl who loves to dress up!:))
I also fell in love with make up,unfortunately i am such a sucker for Chanel.:))
I am so blessed for having a good family and my lovely friends,that i can not live without and of course the love of my life.he is really supportive and knows better,when it's time for new shoes!:))
Also,i love to travel and would love to hear from other people about new places and share with them my experience.


  1. Hi and thank you for following and commenting on my blog! Alyria and Avon Anew Retexturizing Peel Pads are always in my skincare regime. Alyria has 3 levels of intensity. I think someone in their 20s can start with #1 and slowly build to #2 if they are getting a lot of sun damage and uneven skin texture. # 3 is heave-duty and you must be careful, I'd stay away from that. Avon Anew is something you can use 1-2 per week. Just a reminder, if you use these products you MUST wear sunscreen or else. I hope this helped with your question.


  2. Hey! Thank you for following my blog and youtube account! xoxo
